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Now downloading free:acer compal la-8981p r1.0 schematics

acer compal la-8981p r1.0 schematics free download

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File name:compal_la-8981p_r1.0_schematics.pdf
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Original:compal la-8981p r1.0 schematics 🔎
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File name compal_la-8981p_r1.0_schematics.pdf

A B C D E ZZZ PCB MB DA80000TI10 ZZZ1 1 1 DDR Samsung X76-S@ X76418BOL01 ZZZ1 DDR Hynix X76-H@ Compal Confidential X76418BOL02 S1 Frame 2 2 Nvdia(T30L) + DDRIIIL V0JET (A210)_ LA8981P 2012-06-11 REV: 1.0 3 The content in this document contains confidential information of Compal Electronics, Inc. 3 that is protected under all applicable trade secrets laws and regulations. If you are not the intended recipient or otherwise authorized to receive such information, please do not copy, distribute or otherwise use the information contained herein and please destroy this communication accordingly. 4 4 Security Classification Compal Secret Data Compal Electronics, Inc. Issued Date 2012/05/20 Deciphered Date 2012/01/09 Title THIS SHEET OF ENGINEERING DRAWING IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF COMPAL ELECTRONICS, INC. AND CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL C

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